Wednesday, November 25, 2009

makeup application tips

Makeup is a pain when traveling, because you want to have the necessities, but you don't want to forget anything that could come in handy. When in doubt, rely on simple makeup techniques when traveling.

My kit consists of the following:
1. Bare Minerals foundation
2. A Bare Minerals Mini Kabuki brush
3. The Body Shop, bronzer (used as a foundation)
4. a small travel bronzer brush (non brand)
5. Diorshow mascara
6. Sephora eyelash curler
7. Maybelline eyebrow pencil (automatic - no sharpener needed)
8. Almay concealer
9. A small bottle of Clinique moisturizing gel
10. A small bottle of Dior HydrAction serum.
11. Visine red eye relief EYE DROPS!!

The moisturizer and serums are the most important travel tool. You need to moisturize your skin. When flying a lot your skin goes through a whole barrage of drying elements, plus not to mention the stress!! The moisturizer helps repair that. A serum is essential for under the eye treatment.

When traveling I do not bring any eye makeup with me other than a mascara and an eyebrow pencil. This simple look helps open up the eyes (don't forget your curler!) without giving an over the top makeup weighed down look.

A small bottle of makeup remover/face wash is necessary if you bring a mascara. Otherwise you'll be scrubbing your eyes out with the hotel soap. Trust me, I've done this, and it's not a pretty sight!!!

And the most important beauty element is eyedrops. Your eyes will thank you. It's an essential beauty secret of mine. Red Eyes make you look tired and weighed down. Pop in a few drops before you exit the plane, and you have instant beauty!! I put eye drops in before I put on the mascara in the morning in case I didn't get a good night's sleep (very common when flying across timezones).

A few q-tips and cotton balls always come in handy, but if you forget them - hotels always have these on hand for free.

Last Tip: if you travel often, keep all of these items in the same makeup kit at all times. Don't remove them or use them for everyday use - and you'll never forget them!!

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